Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Heart of the Matter

Okay, first off I would like to say "You're welcome, ladies!" Then, for those who are of a different persuasion, I would like to say, "You're welcome, gentlemen!" And now that that is over with, the reason that I chose this photo is obvious...isn't it? It is a photo of the area of the heart!

In life there are many challenges that come up here and there. It is important when that happens to get out of our heads, which are usually filled with fear and self-doubt, and stay in our hearts. The most amazing decisions can then be made when one truly comes from the heart. When these decisions are a matter of life or death we sometimes head straight to the head. Instead, these are exactly the moments when we need to turn to the heart. There is no wrong decision when it comes from the heart centre.

Sometimes we have to also trust, which is a heart issue itself. We need to trust ourselves and our decisions and we sometimes need to trust others. We place our well being in the hands of others every day. We blatantly get behind the wheel of a car and drive the streets that are filled with other drivers. We have to be conscious of what is going on around us, but to a certain degree we also need to have a trust, if not in the other drivers then at least in the process of driving. Medically we can be met by challenges that force us to trust our health care providers and the process that our bodies need to go through in order to survive and be well. Recently a friend of mine went through a surgery that was extremely needed for his well being. Then there were some post surgery complications that hospitalized him again. He was very trusting in the process, even though the rest of us were quite concerned. As it turns out, everything is alright and he is back home. He has inspired me to once again believe in myself and my decisions and to trust in the flow of the universe. Thank you, buddy! You ROCK!

Blessed Be
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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Music to My Ears

My daughter plays guitar. She plays it extremely well. Since her mom and I separated I have not had opportunity to hear her play that much, as she practices at home and usually doesn't bring her guitar with her when she comes to visit. She has performed for us at Christmas and such, but usually I only get to hear her play at the Performer's Club that she participates in. So it was quite the thrill when she brought her guitar to her last visit and practiced a song.

I have always loved guitar music. This surprises me as my father was the one who played guitar in my family and, as most of you know, our relationship sucked. But the sound of really good guitar playing has always soothed me. It's not the strumming and chords and stuff that does it. Anyone can do that. It's the picking of a soft and gentle piece of music that makes my heart want to sing with joy. I am so glad that my daughter has found that she enjoys playing it. Hopefully this will be something that I get to hear now and then for the rest of my life.

Blessed Be
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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Clean it Up!

From the time my daughters were very young, they have always been taught that if you make a mess you clean it up and don't expect someone else to do it for you or that the mess will simply magically disappear if you ignore it.  I am appalled that anyone should have such a grand sense of entitlement in this day and age that they don't take responsibility for their messes. 

Sometimes this comes in the form of people who do idiotic things like flicking their used cigarette butts out the car window as they drive down the street. Cars are built with ashtrays for a reason.  Do they care that they can start a fire or that birds and animals can choke on the foam filter when they eat them?  No.  They just flick away and have no concern for the environment or for anyone else other than their miopic selves.

Also common are those who don't take responsibility for the messes they create within relationships.  The broom and dustpan are right there, waiting to be used, and there they sit because someone thinks he or she is either too right or not skilled enough to use the tools presented!  Either one is a cop out.  There is never anything wrong with admitting that we made a mistake or even admitting that we are still learning to use the tools at hand.  Those around us will be quite patient with us if we simply admit to our inexperience and make efforts to clean it up.

So think about your life, your habits and your relationships.  Are there any areas that need a good spring cleaning?  If so, attend to it.  You will not be sorry.

Blessed Be
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Tuesday, April 6, 2010


It really is the key to how things are received.  I like to present myself well.  And usually I am, as a result, received well.  I also like to present the food I prepare in a creative and apetizing way.  This platter I made today for lunch for myself and my daughter, who was not feeling very well.  She is the type who, when not feeling well, will often not eat, sometimes for days.  Today, whether it was the energy work I did for her prior to lunch or the way it was laid out, she chowed down.  It was so good to see her enjoy good, healthy food.

Sometimes I am asked why it is that I prepare food in this way.  Well, if you have ever seen the movie "Spanglish" you will understand.  I may not be a gourmet cook in the same way as the character of the father in that movie, but I know how to make ordinary food at least look somewhat spectacular.  I like to create art out of vegetables and fruit and nuts etc. and even make it in the form of a fountain.  I think it tastes better that way.

No, I don't just do this for others.  When I was a kid I would make rivers and forests out of the cream and brown sugar in my island of oatmeal.  I think that it is a creative mind that can play with food.  That is why I have never discouraged my kids from playing with their food.  It boosts creativity and intelligence.  And yes, I still make things in my oatmeal.  I also sculpt my mashed potatoes and find interesting things to do with pudding.  I don't do it for others so much as I do it for myself.  Others, should they happen to be there and sharing the food, simply get to enjoy the presentation.

Blessed Be

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