Sunday, November 4, 2007

Earth Honoring

The trees speak to me. They tell me of weather changes, upcoming migrations of animals and birds and of shifts in the energy grids of the earth. I am told that the reason spirit speaks to me is because I am a good listener. At these times I know to keep my mouth shut and use my ears. Because I hear what spirit says, I connect deeply with the earth. She is a living, sentient being and she has needs and provides everything that we, in turn, need in order to live upon her body. Have you ever held a stone or crystal in your hand and experienced a resonance with its energy? This is a communion with the Earth. Some just dismiss this type of thing. Others take note of it with much confusion. Then the rest of us know that this has deep meaning. We respond to her call. This is what responsibility is all about....the ability to respond.


Krymson said...

Last night's ceremony was about honoring the Great Mother and our undeniable connection with her. Part of that honoring also means honoring each other as well. Honoring the sacred spaces that are openly and willingly shared so that we may commune with Spirit. Trent, you open your sacred space to people, make them welcome in their whole being, and encourage their spirit soar. Thank you for opening your space and your heart to us and thank you for giving so much of yourself every week. I am honored.

Trent Deerhorn said...

Thank you, Krymson. That is so wonderful of you to say. I feel honored to have you and other like-minded souls attend the circles.