Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My Big Fat Indian Wedding

Have you ever seen the movie, "My Big Fat Greek Wedding"? It inspired me this last weekend to call the wedding that my Love and I attended (not ours, don't worry!) "My Big Fat Indian Wedding." I had an absolute blast at this wedding. My Love's cousin was marrying the love of his life and there were people from out of the country who travelled to this event. There were relatives from New Zealand, Chicago and so on, and they all gathered for the auspicious event.

Besides being overwhelmed by trying to remember whose name was what (especially because many of them have the same sounds, just mixed a little differently) what really struck me was the variety of absolutely beautiful outfits. Saris abounded and each one was elegant and amazing in intricacy. This photo is of my Love's gorgeous cousin (yes, one of many) and the sari that she wore to the evening banquet and dance. I have actually impressed myself and my Love by remembering, as we went through the photos, most of the names and definitely the relationships that they are to each other. It is like an intricate weave of tapestry, each person being a thread that is woven in and entwined with the others, thus creating a stronger and more vibrant weave.

Did I mention the food? OMG!!!! The Friday evening before the wedding there was a meet and greet at the home of the bride and groom with Indian food that would pull me back to life from within my grave, just to taste another bite! I love the way the flavours are blended with just the right amount of spice to make it not too hot but just spicy enough to have an oral-gasm! Gotta love the left overs as well. I have also discovered that the Indian culture does deserts! I was not so familiar with any more than one or two deserts. But of course, at a wedding event, all the recipes come out and provide an array of taste sensations!

I am told, however, that in comparison to what most Indian weddings can be, this one was not so much a big fat Indian wedding as it was a small skinny Indian wedding. All I can say is....I am now even more looking forward to the next one so that I can hopefully see what big fat Indian wedding can be! I know there will be food!

Blessed Be

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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Do I Have to Believe?

This is a question that is posed to me every now and then in relation to when I am about to perform a healing session on someone. They want to know if they have to believe in it in order for it to work. Most often the answer is "no", but I have been pondering this more and more of late. Do we have to believe in a flower in order for it to exist? Would our ego's non-witnessing of it opening up in full bloom disqualify its existence? The whole "If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, did it ever make a sound?" question always irritated me. The fact that no human was available to witness this does not mean that there were no witnesses. Just ask the squirrels and the birds and the local bear, for heaven's sake! They will all tell you stuff like, "Ya, man! It was the weirdest thing. There I was, minding my own business when, BAM!, this tree just falls over, crashing through all the other trees and forcing the squirrels to evacuate and the birds to now build new nests! I mean, Dude! It was totally radical!"

Okay, so the bear really doesn't speak quite like a druggy, but you get the point. Just because we don't believe in something doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I don't believe that there is a planet in the universe that has waterfalls made of milk chocolate, but hopefully one day I might discover that I was wrong about that. Then I will go for a swim! People don't have to believe in energy work to benefit from the application thereof, but why would they spend money having me perform the healing if some small part of them didn't believe it might work? That would be insane. So from now on when I am asked this question, I just might ask, "If you don't believe in it or that it works, why would you waste your money being here at this time?" I can just imagine what some of the expressions on their faces might be.

Many Warm Blessings

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Sunday, September 20, 2009

When Love Is Found

I have been through a lot in my life. I have had many experiences of what I thought was love and turned out to be more along the lines of co-dependence. Each time I have had another go at love and discovered yet another disappointment, I have become more and more jaded. There was a time not so long ago that I thought that I may never experience love in my life.

Sure, I am very familiar with the intense sort of love I feel for my daughters, but that is a different form of love than the kind I have been looking for all of my life. Suddenly in walks this amazing woman with such a bright light in her eyes and she made me laugh. Once again, I felt my heart flip upside down and back again. But I was unavailable at the time and also had become so jaded that I was certain that I was imagining all of it. Finally I became aware that I was not the only one feeling it. Then I tried to run away from it for a moment, thinking that I was about to throw away what was known and what felt somewhat secure, albeit insufficient. After much struggle, and many tears, I had to choose love.

When love is finally found, there is an exuberance that evolves within and this energy emits a glow and ripple outward to the world. Two hearts can inspire love all around them and create opportunity for others to experience and express love within themselves and for others around them as well. I am blessed to have finally found love. It is real. Marriage? No. I don't think that the institution of marriage has anything to do with love. It is simply a legal contract. We already have that in a mortgage and thousands of dollars of debt that we are working together to pay off. The commitment is in our hearts and in our souls. This goes much deeper than any legality.

Many Warm Blessings

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Saturday, September 19, 2009

A Cup a

Cream of Coffee Bean Soup. That is what I am now calling my one cup of coffee in the morning or afternoon, depending upon when I have it. I only have one cup a day usually, so I decided that I would frame it in an even better light by calling it something that sounds as nourishing as it feels for me at times. Cream of Coffee Bean Soup. Yum! I can smell it now! French Vanilla coffee beans blended into the perfect mixture of water, cream and sugar. It warms my hand, my tummy and my heart!

Blessed Be

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Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Dance

"Those who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear the music." Angela Monet.

Isn't it amazing how uncomfortable some people can be about people who are able to just let loose and boogie? For eons it has been a tribal custom across the world to dance. Dancing brings one into contact with the Spirit Animals and Deity. Dancing creates a trance that allows the grander consciousness to flow through. We danced our animals, danced our joy, danced our sorrows, and danced our spirits. But it is also true that people who don't think a certain way see those around them who do think a certain way to be insane. Take the whole spiritual awareness thing. I talk to spirits every day. Some would think that to be insane. Yet if I had not spoken to spirits there would have been many occasions where I would have been harmed or killed as a result of lack of communication. So whether someone thinks I am crazy or not, I speak to the spirits. And I access them through meditation, art, prayer and dance.

I love to dance. I am learning how to ballroom dance, but I actually prefer to tribal dance and trance dance. My favorite is to dance to Egyptian percussion instruments. Somehow that sound just brings me completely back to my roots. Did I ever mention that I am part Egyptian? No? Well, this comes from my father's side of the family. Strong Gypsy (Egyptian) blood lines there. Perhaps this is why I enjoy travel, even astral travel, and tambourines. Drums and symbols do it for me completely. Oh, and hip movement. There must be hip movement!

Blessed Be
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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Creative Workings

Along the three-fold path to illumination and enlightenment, the first path is that of creativity. When we create something....anything....we connect to Spirit. Have you ever noticed how completely absorbed in the creative process a child can be while making a sand castle? That is connection to Spirit. Their creativity should never be limited to molds and pails and shovels. They need to be allowed to just make the sand castle with their bare hands, feeling the wet sand with their fingertips and under their fingernails. It connects them to the earth and to the inspiration that Spirit has to offer them.

It doesn't even matter if the creation is something that lasts or something that is transitory. I sometimes prefer the things I have created to only be there for a short time. That is part of why I enjoy making sand castles just as much as my daughter does. It is magnificent, just like a sunset, and then it is gone, only to be recreated in another form at a later time. Sand castle building, like painting, carpentry, and welding, is a meditative process that can lead to some radical insights. Creativity does not need to be limited to artistic things. Sometimes it is just the way you put together an outfit or jewelry, or the way you choose to wash your car by hand. Simple, ordinary creativity is the first of the three-fold path.

Blessed Be
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Friday, September 11, 2009

Drums 'N' Things

The drum is not just an instrument to help keep rhythm in music. It is a sacred tool as well. The beat of the drum connects us to the beat of the heart of the Great Earth Mother. As we connect to that beat, we connect to the hearts of those around us, thus creating a true sense of "We are One!". Some people get freaked out by the sound of beating drums. They are the ones who have completely disconnected from the heart and have related to those around them only through the mental capacities. Their fear runs them.

When the drums begin to beat there is a passion that ignites within. This passion leads one to a spiritual Ecstasy. This is the union between the spirit of the individual and the Spirit of the Divine. We then shed our social conditioning and become more truly who we really are; instinctual, primal, raw, sensual, enlightened beings. Yes, there is something sexual and sensual about Spirit and the Divine. After all, there would have to be considering that it didn't just conceive one or two people, it conceived an entire Universe!

The fact that it is sensual and sexual does not diminish it in any way. It enhances the experience to those who are open to it. Being able to connect with everyone around the circle and know that we are all the same and that we are all friends is an amazing feeling. It truly brings peace to those around the circle and then ripples that out toward the world at large. Fabulous!

Blessed Be

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Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Guardian

When visiting the Devic Centre just outside of Saskatoon, my love and I encountered the Guardian of the Labyrinth. This guardian comes in the form of a white cat. This one has a personality like no other that I have encountered. He is the type that will either allow you to enter and will wait for you at the centre, then cuddle you and make dough on your body, or he will make it quite well known that you are not ready for the energy of the Labyrinth. The trick is to understand his language. When he tries to trip you up on the path, he is telling you that you are not ready. When he hisses, you are not ready. When he waits for you, you are finally ready, and he has been waiting for you for some time so it is nice that you finally got a clue and arrived to walk the sacred path of the Labyrinth, thank you very much!

It is amazing how animals will resonate with something like the Labyrinth. They become guardians and will allow certain things to happen in sacred spots while other things will not be allowed. It reminds me of the wolf that was living around the farm that I grew up on. He watched over a sacred tree that was in the middle of a clearing. When one was with pure intent, there was not problem. When one was not, he growled and made it known that you were not to enter, if you valued your life and limbs. At those times it was best to just move on and not disturb the clearing or the tree.

Ahh, nature has such wonderful ways of communicating with us, when we are alert enough to pay attention!

Blessed Be

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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Your Own 2 Feet

About 18 years ago I was demonstrating an exercise for a client. This exercise was designed to help release old programs that were stored on a cellular level in the body. As I bent over to show the client how to do this particular exercise I was suddenly struck by my father's voice saying, "You'll never stand on your own two feet." I allowed myself to breathe for a moment, then came out of the stretch, tears in my eyes, and explained what just happened to my client. She couldn't wait to try the exercise for herself and see what would come up for her.

Later, I did some work on this program to further facilitate the release of this negative program. I am still not sure if my father ever actually said those words to me. But somehow it was his voice and it was something that I definitely integrated as a belief system on a cellular level. Perhaps I heard him say those words, but not to me? I don't know. Anyway, the thing is that over the years I have revisited this belief and done more release of this program. These things sometime take a little time to completely eradicate from the body and the mind.

My sweet revenge, however, is that, whether or not those words had been directed at me, I am now a very successful owner and operator of my own business. I have enough money to live on and I am earning more every day. I have a wonderful life that is filled with love and connections, and most of the foot and leg problems that I had experienced over the years have healed. And, although they look somewhat like my father's feet, I have learned to appreciate the look of my own two feet. This is a good thing, considering that I absolutely hate having to wear socks!

Blessed Be

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