Thursday, October 15, 2009

Block 1912 "C"

In addition to the art on the walls of Block 1912, there is also chalk art on the menu boards. This is done by local artists as well. I love chalk art and feel that it does not get enough attention as an art form. it takes a lot to make chalk art look realistic. These people have mastered it as far as I am concerned.

Something else that is quite interesting about Block 1912 is the notes that people leave. There is a coffee table with a drawer in it. When you open the drawer, you find napkins and papers that are full of notes that people leave. The owners, Peter and Komala Pepin, keep these notes in boxes on another level once the drawers get full. So now and then, it is an empty drawer to fill and people continue to leave notes. One of the notes was from a foreign exchange student who wrote that he was homesick and hated winter in Canada and thank God he found this cafe!

Block 1912, at 10361 Whyte Ave in Edmonton, is a place that celebrates community and celebrates people's eccentricities. There is a well known cartoonist who has said that upon his death he wants Block 1912 to have his cartoon drawings and to hang them. Peter asked where exactly he wanted them to be hung, considering that the walls are full of local art. The cartoonist said, "They are cartoons! Hang them on the ceiling!" Peter is considering that to be a very funky idea.

Well folks, that is all I have to say about Block 1912 at this point in time. You may now know more than you ever wanted to know, but I hope that these last 3 blog entries have inspired you to stop in when next you are in Edmonton. I hope that they have also inspired you to travel to Edmonton just to experience the best French Vanilla latte you will ever taste!

Blessed Be

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1 comment:

me said...

I've left a note there! It was actually so cool. Also, this was posted on my birthday, neat.