Saturday, January 23, 2010

Threshold Moments

There are always times in our lives when we reach a certain threshold. At times like these we have to simply pause and assess our situation. Is this something that scares us? Is it something that excites us? Is it something that brings deep knowing from within us?

If it scares us, then the timing may not be quite right. If is excites us, then it is causing us to exit from our bodies/minds. This might not be as good as we think that it is going to be and perhaps we need to prepare ourselves more in order to have the strength we need to cross that threshold. If it brings us a deep knowing, however, then we are certain to succeed.

Too often when we are on a threshold and know within that it is the right thing to do, we hesitate and worry about what others will think of us if we actually proceed and succeed. In moments like these we must remind ourselves that they would not really be thinking of us if they were to have a problem with it. So then we have to be strong and let them have their dramas and continue on our paths. That way we remain authentic to who we truly are.

Blessed Be
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Marion said...

"So then we have to be strong and let them have their dramas and continue on our paths." Thank you.

Trent Deerhorn said...

Yes indeed! And our strength can also express itself in a gentle way, because gentleness is strength wrapped up in sensitivity!