Monday, January 21, 2008

Celebrations of Success

I was in a store with my family today and my 12 year old found something that she thought she might like to purchase. She is very conscientious about making decisions, especially when it comes to money, so she wanted our opinions on whether or not we thought it would be a good purchase. Yes, it is a very nice object. Yes, it is also something that comes with a sizable price tag. So I told her that if she truly wanted it, and she knew that she had enough money for it without breaking her bank account, and she knew that she would get a LOT of use out of it, then she can feel free to purchase it. But I also told her that she needed to do so without looking back. She needed to fully enjoy the thing and not in any way feel guilty about the buy. She decided to wait. Later today I had to go back into town, so she came along with me and we also went back to the store and she bought it. I was so impressed with her ability to contemplate and to remove herself from the environment of the store so that she didn't feel pressure to purchase something and could then make a clear decision. She loves it and she does not fee guilty in any way. And the best part was that I got to spend some one on one time with her on the trip into town.

All this seems to be somewhat meaningless to some, but I know in our consumer driven world, it is difficult to foster skills that allow us to purchase with responsibility instead of out of instant gratification. Also, this evening I pulled an Osho Zen Tarot card and got the one called "Success". About success he writes:

Welcome it, enjoy it, and share your joy with others - and remember that all bright parades have a beginning and an end. If you keep this in mind, and squeeze every drop of juice out of the happiness you are experiencing right now, you will be able to take the future as it comes without regrets.

This brings to mind how often I have heard people say things like, "Had I only known this was about to happen, I would never have____________" (fill in the blank). Most often the regret has been about spending some money on something that later, in hard times, seems frivolous. I always look at it as a situation where one has done the best one can knowing only what one has known at the time. So what if you lost your job right after your vacation to some tropical location? Did you enjoy the vacation? Good. Now move on and look for another job and stop feeling guilty about having had a well needed vacation. People guilt themselves much too often. And then we wonder why we don't enjoy our lives.

So squeeze every drop of juice out of the happiness you are experiencing right now.

Blessed Be


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